Comox Valley Farmers' Market

The Comox Valley Farmers' Market Association was born on May 2, 1992 when a group of local growers saw the need for a gathering place for farmers to sell directly to the consumer. Their mandate, which is still valid today, is based on promotion and education of local agriculture. We have grown from a dozen vendors and a few hundred customers to 100 vendors and 1500-2000 customers (with seasonal variability) per week at our Saturday market. We currently operate 3 markets in the Comox Valley: One Year Round market on Saturday (Oct –April at Natives Sons Hall; April to Oct at Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds) and two summer seasonal markets, one on Sundays in Cumberland (June to September) and one Wednesdays in downtown Courtenay (June to September). The Wednesday market is a partnership between Comox Valley Arts and DCBIA. For more information about our markets including days, times and amenities check out our website or social media channels.